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The Apex Blog

Financial Insights and Our Latest Thoughts

U.S. News: Do Dave Ramsey's Stock Market Claims Make Sense? Thumbnail

U.S. News: Do Dave Ramsey's Stock Market Claims Make Sense?

Dave Ramsey is a popular financial guru and author who hosts a nationally syndicated radio show and has a sizable following of listeners and readers. Ramsey is especially popular among Christians because many of his financial principles are rooted in Christian values and biblical teachings. Ramsey has been open about his volatile business career prior to becoming a finance pundit, which included building a $4 million real estate portfolio and then losing it all to bankruptcy before age 30.

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Nasdaq: Get Wealthy Like a Millennial: 10 Tips For Saving Like the Richest Generation Thumbnail

Nasdaq: Get Wealthy Like a Millennial: 10 Tips For Saving Like the Richest Generation

According to recent research, 75% of millennials expect their wealth to increase in 2024. Despite being accused of spending money on avocado toast instead of focusing on savings, millennials have been diligent about their finances this entire time. They’ve been able to build wealth despite facing numerous major financial struggles. As millennials await their inheritance money, they still feel the impact of the economic crash 2008 as inflation continues to run rampant.

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Forbes: How Families Can Reduce College Expenses by 25% or More Thumbnail

Forbes: How Families Can Reduce College Expenses by 25% or More

There are many ways to save money on a college degree, although not all of them will work for every student. You can opt to attend community college, then transfer to a four-year university to finish up their program. You can live at home attending college and commute to class, or you can pursue a degree program that's fully online. There are also students who get sufficient scholarships and grants to cover most of their college expenses.

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Newsweek: Young Americans Face Bleak Tax Future Thumbnail

Newsweek: Young Americans Face Bleak Tax Future

Experts have warned that taxes to fund essential retirement, disability and healthcare provisions like Social Security and Medicare are likely to grow in the coming decades due to ongoing changes in America's workforce demographics. And the youngest generations, millennials and gen z, are likely to take on most of the burden.

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MarketWatch: Those 5% CDs are slowly disappearing — but don’t worry, here’s where to find them now Thumbnail

MarketWatch: Those 5% CDs are slowly disappearing — but don’t worry, here’s where to find them now

Following a stretch of highs, many CD rates have started decreasing this year. From mid-December 2023 to mid-February 2024, the midpoint for one-year CD rates at 21 online banks and credit unions dropped from 5.30% to 5.00% APY, according to NerdWallet analysis. In addition, while in November of 2023, there were over 3,900 CDs available with rates of 5% or greater, by the third week of March 2024, that number was under 3,000, says Bryan Johnson, chartered financial analyst at CDValet.com.

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